World Geography GK Questions

World Geography GK Questions

21. Which among the following landforms are created by the collision of two astronomical objects?

[A] Karst Landforms
[B] Lacustrine Landforms
[C] Impact Landforms
[D] Fluvial landforms

C [Impact Landforms]


Impact landforms are landforms formed due to collision of two astronomical objects with measurable effects.

22. Which among the following statements is not correct about the landform Nubbin?

[A] It is a small and gentle hill consisting of a bedrock core dotted with rounded residual blocks
[B] They occur in patterned groups
[C] It is a weathering landform
[D] It is mostly found in arid areas

D [It is mostly found in arid areas]


Nubbin is a small and gentle hill consisting of a bedrock core dotted with rounded residual blocks is called a Nubbin. They are weathered landforms that occur in patterned groups. They are found in humid tropical and monsoon climate areas.

23. Which nation houses the stone desert “Pobiti Kamani”?

[A] Bulgaria
[B] Turkey
[C] Romania
[D] Greece

A [Bulgaria]


Pobiti Kamani, also known as the stone desert, is located in Bulgaria. It is a desert full of stone columns. It is one of the two naturally formed desert in all of Europe. It is the only known naturally formed desert in all of eastern Europe in which we can see reptiles and other desert animals to grow.

24. Which among the following mountain ranges and their peaks is not correctly matched?

[A] Great Dividing Range – Mt. Whitney
[B] Arakan Yoma – Mt. Kennedy
[C] Vosges – Mt. Grand Ballon
[D] Kunlun Mountains – Mt. Muztag

A [Great Dividing Range – Mt. Whitney]


The Great Dividing range in Australia, is the source for the rivers Darling and Murray. Mt. Kosciuszko is the highest peak in this range. The Sierra Nevada mountain ranges is in California, US. Mt.Whitney is the highest peak in Sierra Nevada. It is an important habitat for many Red Indians.

25. Which among the following statements is not correct about the Mesosphere?

[A] It is an intermediate layer beyond the ozone layer

[B] The temperature decreases with increase in height

[C] This layer is ideal for flying aeroplanes

[D] It lies upto an altitude of 80 km from the earth’s surface.

C [This layer is ideal for flying aeroplanes]


The Mesosphere is the layer of the earth’s atmosphere which is an intermediate layer beyond the ozone layer. It lies upto an altitude of 80 km from the earth’s surface. The temperature gradually falls to -100°C at 80 km altitude in this layer. The meteorites burn up in this layer on entering from the space.

The Stratosphere is ideal for flying aeroplanes.

26. Which front is formed when two contrasting air masses converge in such a way that they become parallel to each other and there is no ascent of air?

[A] Warm Front
[B] Cold Front
[C] Occluded Front
[D] Stationary Front

D [Stationary Front]


Stationary front is formed when two contrasting air masses converge in such a way that they become parallel to each other and there is no ascent of air. The surface position of stationary front does not move either forward or backward.

27. Which among the following statements is/are correct about the “eye” of the cyclone?
  1. It is a circular area of comparatively light winds and thunderstorms
  2. There is heavy precipitation
  3. It is the region of lowest surface pressure

Select the correct code from the options given below:

[A] Only 1 & 3
[B] Only 3
[C] Only 1 & 2
[D] None of the above

B [Only 3]


The “eye” is a roughly circular area of comparatively light winds and fair weather found at the center of a severe tropical cyclone. There is little or no precipitation.

The eye is the region of lowest surface pressure.

28. Which is the warmest ocean in the world?

[A] Pacific
[B] Atlantic
[C] Indian
[D] Southern

C [Indian]


The Indian Ocean is the warmest ocean in the world. Long-term ocean temperature records show a rapid, continuous warming in the Indian Ocean, at about 1.2 °C. Human induced greenhouse warming, and changes in the frequency and magnitude of El Nino (or the Indian Ocean Dipole), events are a trigger to this strong warming in the Indian Ocean.

29. Which is the shallowest ocean in the world?

[A] Arctic
[B] Southern
[C] Indian
[D] Atlantic

A [Arctic]


The Arctic Ocean is the smallest and shallowest of the world’s five major oceans. It is also known as the coldest of all the oceans.

30. Which is the widest continental Shelf in the world?

[A] Sunda Shelf
[B] Siberian Shelf
[C] North Atlantic Shelf
[D] Pacific Continental Shelf

B [Siberian Shelf ]


Continental Shelf is the extended margin of each continent occupied by relatively shallow seas and gulfs. 

The shelves are wider where the coast lands are wide plains E.g. The Siberian shelf in the Arctic Ocean, the largest in the world, stretches to 1,500 km in width.

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