Environment and Biodiversity MCQ

Environment and Biodiversity MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) for GK paper in SSC, NDA, CDS, UPSC, UPPSC and State PSC Examinations

1. IUCN was founded in which of the following years?

[A] 1945
[B] 1946
[C] 1947
[D] 1948

[D] 1948


IUCN was founded in October 1948 with the name International Union for the Protection of Nature (IUPN) following an international conference held in Fontainebleau, France. The IUCN composed of both the government and civil society organisations.

2. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act was passed in which of the following years?

[A] 1973
[B] 1974
[C] 1975
[D] 1976

[B] 1974


The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act was passed in 1974. The Act empowers the State Pollution Control Boards to establish and enforce effluent standards for factories. The Act was amended in 1988.

3. Which of the following Award is given for significant contribution in the field of wildlife protection and is recognised for having shown exemplary courage or having done exemplary work for the protection of wildlife?

[A] Amrita Devi Bishnoi Wildlife Protection Award
[B] Rajiv Gandhi Wildlife Conservation Award
[C] Indira Gandhi Paryavaran Puraskar
[D] None of the above

[A] Amrita Devi Bishnoi Wildlife Protection Award


Amrita Devi Bishnoi Wildlife Protection Award is given for significant contribution in the field of wildlife protection and is recognised for having shown exemplary courage or having done exemplary work for the protection of wildlife.

4. Which of these species does not fall under Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest?

[A] Banyan
[B] Mango
[C] Coconut
[D] Teak

[A] Banyan


Almost the entire Duars and Terai area are the main sites of Tropical Moist Deciduous Forests. The main species found in these forests are champ, sissoo, simul, teak, sal, mango, jackfruit, coconut, betel nut, mahua, etc.

5. Which of these is not a species of Sub-alpine Forests?

[A] Birch
[B] Rhododendrons
[C] Oak
[D] All of the above

[D] All of the above


The species commonly found in Sub-alpine Forests are junipers, birch, rhododendrons,berberis, maling bamboo, laurel, etc. Oak and magnolia occur around the region of Kalimpong. In the upper Singalila range, dwarf rhododendrons, meadows and small flowering bushes occur.

6. Which of the below is used as an Air pollution indicator?

[A] Algae
[B] Fungi
[C] Bacteria
[D] Lichens

D [Lichens]


Lichens are used as air pollution indicators, especially of the concentration of Sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere. If air is very badly polluted with sulphur dioxide there may be no lichens present, just green algae may be found. If the air is clean, shrubby, hairy and leafy lichens become abundant.

7. Which of the following is another name for the fish farming revolution?

[A] Blue revolution
[B] White revolution
[C] Yellow revolution
[D] Brown revolution

[A] Blue revolution


Blue Revolution means the adoption of a package programme to increase the production of fish and marine products. The Blue Revolution in India was started in 1970 during the Fifth Five-Year Plan when the Central Government sponsored the Fish Farmers Development Agency.

8. What is farming along with animal husbandry called?

[A] Mixed farming
[B] Mixed agriculture
[C] Truck farming
[D] Dairy farming

[A] Mixed farming


When on a farm along-with crop production, some other agriculture based practice like poultry, dairy farming or bee keeping etc. is adopted, then this system of farming is known as mixed farming. It is dominant in India, where most farms have a mixture of fields and pastures.

9. Gaia hypothesis is related to which of the following?

[A] Quantum Theory
[B] Living Organism
[C] Integers
[D] Origin of Earth

[B] Living Organism


The Gaia hypothesis proposes that living organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic and self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet.

10. With respect to agriculture, terms, ‘tudi’, ‘soilage’, ‘stower’ pertain to which of the following?

[A] Aquaculture
[B] Biofertilizer
[C] Fodder
[D] Dryland farming

[C] Fodder


‘Tudi’, is made from wheat stubble, is considered to be the best dry fodder for cattle because of its nutritional value.

Silage is an animal feed uptake by racking fresh fodder in a suitable container and allowing it to ferment anaerobic conditions without undergoing much loss of nutrients.

Soilage is a general term to indicate a fodder cut green and feeding in fresh conditions.

Stower is a term for cereal stubbles and broken pieces of threshing.

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