World Geography GK Questions

World Geography GK Questions

11. Which among the following has the highest albedo?

[A] Forests
[B] Deserts
[C] Fresh snow
[D] Land surface

C [Fresh snow ]


The proportion of insolation that is reflected back by the surface is called its albedo. Albedos of different bodies:land surface – 8 and 40%forests – 9 to 18%desert sands – 30 to 40%Fresh snow – 85%

12. Which among the following pairs of fronts is/are correctly matched?
  • Warm Front – frontal surface along which the cold air becomes active and aggressive and invades the warm air territory forcibly lifting the warm and light air.
  • Occluded Front – formed when two contrasting air masses converge in such a way that they become parallel to each other and there is no ascent of air.
  • Stationary Front – formed when cold front over­takes warm front and warm air is completely displaced from the ground surface.

Select the correct code from the options given below:

[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2 & 3
[C] 1, 2 & 3
[D] None of the above

D [None of the above]


Warm front is that sloping frontal surface along which warm and light air becomes active and aggressive and rises slowly over cold and dense air.

Occluded front is the front which is formed when cold front over­takes warm front and warm air is completely displaced from the ground surface.

Stationary front is formed when two contrasting air masses converge in such a way that they become parallel to each other and there is no ascent of air.

13. Which among the following statements is not correct about ocean temperature?

[A] The uppermost 10 percent of the oceans contain more heat than the entire atmosphere.
[B] The temperature of the oceans is always uniform
[C] The density of ocean water is mostly a function of its temperature and salinity
[D] The oceans of the Northern are warmer than that of the Southern Oceans.

B [The temperature of the oceans is always uniform]


The uppermost 10 percent of the oceans contain more heat than the entire atmosphere. The temperature of the oceans is not uniform.

It differs from latitude to latitude and from the surface to the bottom.

14. In which type of settlements the houses are built very close to each other?

[A] Nucleated
[B] Dispersed
[C] Fragmented
[D] Planned

A [Nucleated]


Compact or Nucleated Settlements − Under these type of settlements, the houses are built very close to each other. Usually, plain fertile land regions have such compact or nucleated settlements.

15. What is a demographic and social process whereby people move from urban areas to rural areas called?

[A] Sub-Urbanization
[B] Over-Urbanization
[C] Urban Agglomeration
[D] Counter-Urbanization

D [Counter-Urbanization]


Counter-Urbanization: – It is a demographic and social process whereby people move from urban areas to rural areas. It first took place as a reaction to inner-city deprivation and overcrowding.

Counter urbanization occurs when some large cities reach a point where they stop growing further or actually begin to decrease in size as their population start moving into suburban areas or smaller cities thereby leapfrogging the rural-urban fringe.

16. In which among the following regions does hunting as an activity largely survives?

[A] Europe
[B] Arctic
[C] Asia
[D] Australia

B [Arctic]


Although hunting was much more widespread in the past, today this activity survives largely in the high latitude zones particularly in the Arctic region.

17. Which among the following statements is/are correct about Dairy Farming?

Dairy farming involves large financial investments in buildings and machinery.

  1. Most of the area under dairy farms has a mantle of glacial deposits and the land is often stony.

Select the correct code from the options given below:

[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2
[C] Both 1 & 2
[D] Neither 1 & 2

C [Both 1 & 2]


Dairy farming involves large financial investments in buildings and machinery. The machinery requirements of a dairy farm are also large. Besides machines for feeding, milking and cleaning, there are large requirements of machinery for cooling milk. In general, the dairy farms do not occupy the best type of farmland. Most of the area under dairy farms has a mantle of glacial deposits and the land is often stony.

18. What is rearing of silk worms and obtaining silk from them called?

[A] Apiculture
[B] Vermiculture
[C] Sericulture
[D] Horticulture

C [Sericulture]


Sericulture refers to the rearing of silk worms and obtaining silk from them. It involves raising a feed crop, chiefly mulberry leaves, and tending to silk worms and obtaining silk fibre from the cocoons produced by the worms.

19. Which among the following metals is called a Noble metal?

[A] Iron
[B] Steel
[C] Copper
[D] Gold

D [Gold]


Gold is a precious metal and its importance and high value lies primarily in its scarcity and not so much in its use. Its most important chemical property is that it is among the least reactive metals. Due to its immunity to acids it is often called a noble metal.

20. Which ocean houses the waterbody “English Channel”?

[A] Pacific Ocean
[B] Atlantic Ocean
[C] Indian Ocean
[D] Arctic Ocean

B [Atlantic Ocean]


The English Channel, also known as “the Channel”, is a body of water which forms part of the Atlantic Ocean located between Great Britain (Southern England) and Northern France. The English Channel is linked to the North Sea through the Strait of Dover, thereby connecting the Atlantic Ocean to the coasts of France, Belgium, Netherlands, and Germany. It is the busiest shipping area in the world.

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