MP GK Questions

MP GK Questions and Answers

111. When was Madhya Pradesh established?

[A] 1 November 1956
[B] 1 December 1956
[C] 1 January 1956
[D] 1 April 1956

A [1 November 1956]


Madhya Pradesh was established in 1950 by merging the British territories of Berar, Makrai and Chhattisgarh. Its capital was kept at Nagpur. Later Vindhya region was kept in Madhya Pradesh and Vidarbha and Berar region including Nagpur was kept in Bombay province and the capital of Madhya Pradesh was kept in Bhopal.

112. Which of the following rivers is not a tributary of Yamuna?

[A] Ken
[B] Betwa
[C] Chambal
[D] Tawa

D [Tawa]


Tawa River is a tributary of Narmada. It originates from the Satpura range in Betul.

113. What is the area of ​​Madhya Pradesh?

[A] 300 lakh hectares
[B] 305 lakh hectares
[C] 308 lakh hectares
[D] 310 lakh hectares

C [308 lakh hectares]


The area of ​​Madhya Pradesh is 308 lakh hectares.

114. In which district is the first Fossil National Park of Madhya Pradesh?

[A] Balaghat
[B] Shivpuri
[C] Dindori
[D] Gwalior

C [Dindori]


Madhya Pradesh’s first fossil national park is in Dindori, which was established in 1968.

115. What is the state tree of Madhya Pradesh?
  • A) Banyan
  • B) Mango
  • C) Teak
  • D) Neem

A) Banyan

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