World History GK Questions

World History GK Questions, Multiple Choice Quiz Questions (MCQs) on Ancient World History, Medieval World History and Modern World History for various UPSC, PCS and other Competitive Examinations.

1. Egyptian Civilization flourished around which of the following rivers?

[A] Congo river
[B] Nile river
[C] Niger river
[D] Zambezi river

B [Nile river]


The Egyptian Civilization began to flourish almost about 10,000 B.C. around the fertile valley of river Nile. The Nile river acted as the principal source of  life and prosperity of the civilization.

2 .Which Pharaoh of Egypt is credited with construction of Great Pyramid of Giza?

[A] Unas
[B] Khufu
[C] Khafre
[D] Sahure

B [Khufu]


Pyramids were royal tombs with four triangle-shaped sides that meet in a point on top. The largest Pyramid was constructed for Pharaoh Khufu at Gizeh which is 481 feet in height and made of 23,00,000 blocks of limestone.

3. Which of the following river is also called as the sorrow of China?

[A] Tsang po
[B] Yang-tse-kiang
[C] Yellow River
[D] None of the above

C [Yellow River]


The Yellow River or Huang He is the second-longest river in China. The ‘Yellow River’ passed through rich yellow soil and made the land very fertile. The river is sometimes called “Sorrow of China” because of the devastating floods.

4. Which of the following were the first inventors of the Mariner’s compass?

[A] Spainish
[B] Greek
[C] Chinese
[D] Persian

C [Chinese]


The Chinese were the first inventors of the Mariner’s compass. It was invented in China during the rule of the Han Dynasty between the 2nd century BC and 1st century AD.

5. Which of the following was also known as Mycenaean civilization?

[A] Mesopotamian
[B] Greek
[C] Chinese
[D] Harappan

B [Greek]


Greek civilization was named after the legendary king Minos of Crete (Minoan Civilization). Sometimes it was referred to as Mycenaean civilization, after a city called Mycenae, which the Cretans had built.

6. Which of the following compiled ‘Encyclopedia of Astronomy’?

[A] Cloudius Ptolemy
[B] Galen
[C] Celsus
[D] Pliny

A [Cloudius Ptolemy ]


Cloudius Ptolemy who was an astronomer was the author of ‘Encyclopedia of Astronomy’. He also displayed his knowledge in geography and was the first map-maker of the world.

7. The process of Renaissance started at which of the following places?

[A] France
[B] Germany
[C] Britain
[D] Italy

D [Italy]


The word ‘Renaissance’ literally means ‘rebirth’ of learning. In the 14th century the process of ‘Renaissance’ started in Italy – a literary movement – and it spread fast throughout the Europe.

8. Who recorded his scientific theory in his book ‘Principia’?

[A] Galileo
[B] Harvey
[C] Newton
[D] Copernicus

C [Newton]


Newton recorded his scientific theory in his book ‘Principia’. In this book he formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation. These laws formed the dominant scientific viewpoint until it was superseded by the theory of relativity.

9. Which of the following is the work of Thomas More?

[A] The Histories
[B] Of Mice and Men
[C] Mona Lisa
[D] Utopia

D [Utopia]


Utopia is the work of Thomas More. It is a work of fiction and socio-political satire written in Latin language and was published in 1516.

10. Which of the following was the central theme of most Renaissance art and literature?

[A] People
[B] God
[C] Jesus
[D] None of the above

A [People]


The central theme of most Renaissance art and literature was the ‘Person’. The new Renaissance person was viewed as the maker of his own destiny rather than being a helpless plaything in the hands of supernatural forces.

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