Medieval Indian History MCQ

Medieval Indian History MCQ

31. Harihara I and Bukka Raya I returned to the Hindu fold with the help of which of the following saint?

[A] Vallabha Acharya
[B] Madhvacharya
[C] Vidyaranya
[D] Madhavdev

C [Vidyaranya]


Harihara I and Bukka Raya I who are also considered as the founder of the Sangama dynasty were converted to Islam by Muhammad bin Tughlaq. Both of them returned to the Hindu fold with the help of saint Vidyaranya.

32. Who of the following is also known as Alauddin I?

[A] Abul Muzaffar Alauddin Hasan Bahman Shah
[B] Ahmah Shah Wali
[C] Muhammad Shah I
[D] Taj-ud-din Firoz Shah

A [Abul Muzaffar Alauddin Hasan Bahman Shah]


In 1347 CE Zafar Khan Alai ascended the throne at Daulalabad as Abul Muzaffar Alauddin Hasan Bahman Shah-also known as Alauddin I. He founded the Bahmani Sultanate and played a conspicuous role in the politics of the Deccan for nearly two centuries.

33. During the reign of which of the following kings, Deccan brahmans became dominant in administration?

[A] Alauddin Hasan Bahman Shah
[B] Taj-ud-din Firoz Shah
[C] Muhammad Shah I
[D] Ahmah Shah Wali

B [Taj-ud-din Firoz Shah]


Taj-ud-din Firoz Shah, who was one of the most prominent kings of the Bahamani kingdom inducted a large number of Hindus in his administration. During the reign of Taj-ud-din Firoz Shah, the Deccan brahmans became dominant in administration.

34. Every province under the rule of Bahamani kingdom was headed by which of the following?

[A] Tarafdar
[B] Afaqis
[C] Sadar-i-jahan
[D] Wazir

A [Tarafdar]


The Administrative System of the Bahamani kingdom was very well organized. The kingdom was divided into four units called provinces. These provinces were headed by Tarafdars also known as subedars.

35. Dadu Dayal belonged to which of the following regions?

[A] Gujarat
[B] Rajasthan
[C] Kerala
[D] Bihar

A [Gujarat]


Dadu Dayal, one of the major representatives of the Nirguna Sant traditions in Northern India, was a saint from Gujarat. He spent the best part of his spiritual life in Rajasthan.

36. What was the personal royal force of Sher Shah Suri called?

[A] Qasbas
[B] Khasa Kail
[C] Diwan-i-Ariz
[D] Shiqdar

B [Khasa Kail]


Sher Shah Suri supervised the recruitment of soldiers. He divided the army into sawars (serving as the linchpin of the entire organization), elephants and frontmen. He also maintained his personal royal force, which was known as Khasa Kail.

37. Akbar ruled during which of the following years?

[A] 1456 CE to 1505 CE
[B] 1156 CE to 1205 CE
[C] 1556 CE to 1605 CE
[D] 1506 CE to 1565 CE

C [1556 CE to 1605 CE]


Jalal-ud-din Muhammad Akbar ruled as Mughal emperor from 1556 CE to 1605 CE.

38. Who of the following defeated Baz Bahadur?

[A] Humayun
[B] Bairam Khan
[C] Akbar
[D] Adham Khan

D [Adham Khan]


Adham Khan who was the son of Akbar’s foster mother Maham Anaga defeated Baz Bahadur who was an accomplished magician and poet. Adham Khan was victorious at Malwa by defeating Baz Bahadur in 1561 CE.  After defeat, Baz Bahadur fled towards Burhanpur. After wandering from one area to another, he finally surrendered at Akbar’s court and was enrolled as a Mughal mansabdar.

39. After defeating Baz Bahadur, Adham Khan fled towards which of the following place?

[A] Malwa
[B] Burhanpur
[C] Gujarat
[D] Bengal

B [Burhanpur]


In 1561 CE, after defeating the Malwa ruler, Baz Bahadur, Adham Khan fled towards Burhanpur. After wandering from one area to another, he finally surrendered at Akbar’s court and was enrolled as a Mughal mansabdar.

40. The famous Battle of Haldighati took place in which year?

[A] 1576 A.D.
[B] 1580 A.D.
[C] 1584 A.D.
[D] 1586 A.D.

A [1576 A.D.]


The famous Battle of Haldighati took place in the year 1576 A.D. In this battle, Rana Pratap was defeated by the Mughal army, which was led by Man Singh.

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