Haryana GK Questions and Answers

Haryana GK Questions and Answers

31. The following States were created after 1960. Arrange them in chronological order:
  • A. Haryana
  • B. Sikkim
  • C. Meghalaya
  • D. Nagaland

[A] D, A, C, B
[B] A, B, C, D
[C] B, A, C, D
[D] A, B, D, C

A [D, A, C, B]


 Haryana – 1966

Sikkim -1975

Meghalaya – 1972

Nagaland – 1963

32. Which of the following is the principal cause of soil damage in Punjab and Haryana?

[A] Salinity and water-logging
[B] Deforestation
[C] Ravine erosion
[D] Overgrazing

A [Salinity and water-logging]


The principal cause of soil damage in Punjab and Haryana is Salinity and water logging. The area is totally damaged due to salinization of sub soil water and did not allow any plant to grow.

33. What is the correct sequence of the following Indian states in descending order of their length of surface roads per 100 km2 of their area?
  • I. Haryana
  • II. Maharashtra
  • III. Punjab
  • IV. Tamil Nadu

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:


[A] IV, III, II, I
[B] IV, III, I, II
[C] III, IV, I, II
[D] III, IV, II, I

A [IV, III, II, I]


Arrangement of descending order of the surface roads per 100 sq. km of their area: Tamil Nadu has 158.78 km, Punjab has 127.78 km, Maharashtra has 117.61 km, and Haryana has 63.70 km.

34. Manohar Lal Khattar, who has recently become CM of Haryana state for second time, represents which constituency of Haryana Legislative Assembly?

[A] Jind
[B] Karnal
[C] Rohtak
[D] Bhiwani

B [Karnal]


Manohar Lal Khattar represents Karnal constituency in Haryana Legislative Assembly, and was sworn-in as Chief Minister of Haryana after BJP’s win in the 2014 Haryana Legislative Assembly election. He was sworn in a second time as the Chief Minister on 27 October 2019 after making an alliance with Jannayak Janta Party post 2019 Haryana Legislative Assembly election.

35. Consider the following events:
  • 1. Fourth general elections in India
  • 2. Formation of Haryana State
  • 3. Mysore named as Karnataka State
  • 4. Meghalaya and Tripura become full States

Which one of the following is the correct chronological order of the above?

[A] 2-1-4-3
[B] 4-3-2-1
[C] 2-3-4-1
[D] 4-1-2-3

A [2-1-4-3]


Haryana was founded in 1966 when the former state of Punjab was divided into Haryana and the modern Punjab. The 1967 general elections or the 4th Lok Sabha was held in February. Tripura, Manipur and Meghalaya became full-fledged states on Jan 21, 1972. Mysore state was renamed Karnataka in 1973.

36. Consider the following statement:
  • 1. There are 25 High Courts in India.
  • 2. Punjab, Haryana and the Union Territory of Chandigarh have a common High Court.
  • 3. National Capital Territory of Delhi has a High Court of its own.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

[A] 2 and 3
[B] 1 and 2
[C] 1, 2 and 3
[D] 3 only

C [1, 2 and 3]


• Separate High Courts have started functioning for the states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh from 1st January 2019. The High Court for Telangana is the 25th High Court in the country. Telangana was carved out of Andra Pradesh in 2014 and the two states continued to have a common high court in Hyderabad.

• High Court of Punjab and Haryana is the common High Court for Indian states of Haryana and Punjab and Union Territory of Chandigarh based in Chandigarh, India. As of 01 July 2019, there are 50 judges in the High Court, comprising 43 permanent and 7 additional judges.

• Delhi is the only Union Territory, which has its own high court. As far as the other Union Territories are concerned, they share their jurisdiction with some other States.

37. The NuGen Mobility Summit 2019 is being held in which village of Haryana?

[A] Badesra
[B] Nathuwas
[C] Chandeni
[D] Manesar

D [Manesar]


In Haryana, the NuGen Mobility Summit 2019 is being  organized by International Centre for Automotive Technology (ICAT) in Manesar under the theme  “Smart & Green Mobility”. It aims to find alternative mobility solutions to problems like pollution emanating from vehicular emissions.

38. The Integrated Command and Control Centre of which city has recently been inaugurated in Haryana?

[A] Faridabad
[B] Karnal
[C] Gurugram
[D] Sonipat

C [Gurugram]


Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar inaugurated Gurgaon’s ambitious Integrated Command and Control Centre (ICCC), developed as the nerve centre to provide multifaceted online smart services to people. Built at the cost of Rs 38 crore, the ICCC has been designed to serve as the nodal point for all online data related to the Smart City applications, including CCTV-based public safety and adaptive traffic management system, smart parking system, water supply management system, pollution monitoring, property tax management system and asset management system.

39. With respect to Haryana’s success with its ‘7-star Rainbow Scheme’, consider the following statements:
  1. The scheme rates district administrations based on their performance under various parameters.
  2. The silver star is awarded for good governance.
  3. The golden star is awarded for social participation.

Which of the above statements is/are true?

[A] Only 1 and 2 are correct
[B] Only 1 and 3 are correct
[C] All are incorrect
[D] All are correct

C [All are incorrect]


Statement 1 is incorrect:

The scheme is targeted at the Gram Panchayats in Haryana. There are seven stars that are given to the GPs when they achieve the goals for it. The scheme has seen massive improvements as it also involves monetary awards- 1 lakh INR for each parameter achieved.

Statement 2 is incorrect:

The silver star is awarded for social participation. The GPs have been recording steep improvement in performance- some villages have improved from a single starred to 6-star unit in a single year. The number of GPs with silver starts increased from 90 in 2018-19 to 103 in 2019-20.

Statement 3 is incorrect:

The golden star is given to the GPs for good governance. The GPs have shown dramatic improvement in this parameter. In 2018-19, there were only 12 panchayats with golden star rating. In 2019-20, the number increased to 203. Other stars are pink, white, blue, green and orange.

40. The stubble burning season commenced in late September in states like Punjab and Haryana. In this context, consider the following statements:
  1. Stubble burning in India is done to speed up paddy cultivation.
  2. Stubble burning helps reduce incidence of pests and weeds.
  3. Stubble burning is higher during the Kharif season.

Select the correct option from the codes given below: 

[A] Only 1 is correct
[B] Only 2 is correct
[C] Only 3 is correct
[D] All are correct

B [Only 2 is correct]


Statement 1 is incorrect:

Stubble burning is the practice of setting fire to the stubble after harvesting. In India, the practice is prevalent in northern states like Punjab, UP and Haryana. It is done to clear away the paddy stubble to help speed up wheat cultivation in the winter.

Statement 2 is correct:

The stubble burning helps in reducing incidence of pest and weeds. While this helps in reducing the need for pesticides and herbicides, it causes rampant pollution. The air quality deteriorates affecting the health of the farming community and also far off urban places like Delhi.

Statement 3 is incorrect:

The stubble burning is mostly practiced during the start of Rabi season. The season starts in late September- early October. The practice is used in autumn to clear off the paddy stubble and sow wheat. The government has banned the practice and instead calls for the use of Happy Seeders and Super SMS.

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