GK Questions About Odisha

GK Questions About Odisha

41. Bhauma-Kara period witnessed a commercial relationship of Odisha with?

[A] Ceylon
[B] China
[C] South East Asia
[D] All of the above

D [All of the above]


Bhauma Kara period had a commercial relationship with Ceylon, China, South East Asia. The most important industry was cloth manufacturing.

42. Barabati fort was captured by Maratha in the year?

[A] 1739
[B] 1742
[C] 1748
[D] 1757

B [1742]


On 16th April 1742, Bhaskar Pandit sent by Raghuji Bhosle Captured Barabati fort. Odisha was under control of Alivardi Khan that time.  Alivardi Khan Managed to save Murshidabad by paying a huge amount of money to Bhaskar Pandit.

43. Who were the first Europeans to enter in Odhisa?

[A] English
[B] Portuguese
[C] Danish
[D] French

B [Portuguese]


Portuguese were the first to enter into Odisha. They had their first settlement in Pipili, Balasore.

44. Who is known as the Gandhi of Odisha?

[A] Gopabandhu Das
[B] Surendra Sai
[C] Abdul Gaffar Khan
[D] Fajlul Haque

A [Gopabandhu Das]


Utkalmani Gopabandhu Das was known as the Jewel of Odisha (Utkalmani). He founded the Satyabadi school. He led the civil disobedient movement in Odisha. S.C Bose gave him the title “father of National movement of Odisha”.

45. When did the Salt satyagraha under the leadership of Gopabandhu Chaudhury reach Inchudi?

[A] 6th April
[B] 8th April
[C] 12th April
[D] 16th April

C [12th April]


Their journey started on 6th April 1930. They reached on 12th April 1930. There were a  number of 21 satyagrahis other than Gopabandhu Chaudhury and Harihar Das.

46. The Prajamandal at Gariamal in 1938 formed under the leadership of?

[A] H K Mahtab
[B] Sarangdhar Das
[C] Both
[D] None of the above

C [Both]


HK Mahtab and Sarangdhar Das were the leaders of the Prajamandal Movement. The major reason for this movement was exploitation by the British by imposing different taxes.

47. Who was the first chief minister of Independent Odisha?

[A] Nabakrushna Choudhury
[B] Biju Patnaik
[C] Harekrushna Mahatab
[D] None of the above

C [Harekrushna Mahatab]


Harekrushna Mahatab was the first CM of Odisha. He started the merger of princely state with India. He was popularly known as Utkal Keshari

48. Which among the following is the largest geographic region of Odisha?

[A] Odisha coastal plains in the east
[B] The middle mountainous and highlands region
[C] The western rolling uplands
[D] The central plateaus

B [The middle mountainous and highlands region]


The middle mountainous and highlands region is the largest geographic region of Odisha. It covers about 3/4th of the state.

49. Arrange the following cities from South to North
  • i) Jajpur
  • ii) Puri
  • iii) Balasore
  • iv) Bhubaneswar

[A] ii) iv) iii) i)
[B] ii) iv) i) iii)
[C] i) ii) iii) iv)
[D] iii) ii) iv) i)

B [ii) iv) i) iii)]


From South to North- Puri, Bhubaneswar, Jajpur, Balasore

50. Severe cyclone Fani made Landfall in Odisha during which month?

[A] May
[B] June
[C] July
[D] October

A [May]


Fani made Landfall in Odisha on 3rd May 2019. The name “Fani” was given by Bangladesh.

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