General Science Biology Questions

General Science Biology Questions

11. Which of the following is the case with codominance products?

[A] Produced from both the alleles
[B] Produced from one allele
[C] Incompletely produced from both alleles
[D] None are functional

[A] Produced from both the alleles


In the case of codominance, the product is formed from both the alleles. It is expressed in its completeness and no allele dominates the other.

12. A dark brown, earth-like substance containing balanced macro and micronutrients:

[A] Vermicompost
[B] Azotobacter
[C] Tricho-Card
[D] Bio Compost

D [Bio Compost]


A dark brown, earth-like substance containing balanced macro and micronutrients is called Bio Compost.

13. What is “Bed Method” in vermicomposting?

[A] Beds of chemicals matter are prepared
[B] Beds of organic matter are prepared
[C] Beds of phosphorus are prepared
[D] All of the above

[B] Beds of organic matter are prepared


In vermicomposting, the Bed Method involves preparing beds of organic matter.

14. Which inhibits the translation of mRNA?

[A] Increase
[B] Knock out
[C] Clearing
[D] Silencing

[D] Silencing


The one that inhibits the translation of mRNA is silencing. It controls the expression of a gene by inhibiting its expression.

15. How many approaches are there in order to clone the complete genome?

[A] 1
[B] 2
[C] 3
[D] 4

[B] 2


There are basically two approaches to cloning the entire genome. In the first approach, systematic cloning is performed and the second approach is based on randomly cloning overlapping fragments.

16. Which of the following are examples of hydrophilic molecules?

[A] Sugar
[B] Cellulose
[C] Starch
[D] All of the above

[D] All of the above


A molecule whose interaction with water and other polar substances is more thermodynamically favorable than its interaction with oil or other hydrophobic solvents is called a hydrophilic molecule. Sugar, salt, starch, and cellulose are examples of hydrophilic molecules.

17. ____ being a higher category, is the assemblage of families which exhibit a few similar characters:

[A] Class
[B] Species
[C] Genus
[D] Order

[D] Order


Order is an assemblage of families which exhibit a few similar characters. The similar characters are less in number as compared to different genera included in a family. A class includes one or more orders.

18. The part of brain which controls emotional reactions in our body is ____.

[A] Hypothalamus
[B] Meninges
[C] Cerebrum
[D] Thalamus

[A] Hypothalamus


The brain’s limbic system controls emotional expression through the hypothalamus, which has control over the body’s emotional responses systems. The hypothalamus is responsible for regulating hunger, thirst, response to pain, levels of pleasure, sexual satisfaction, anger and aggressive behavior, etc. It also regulates pulse, blood pressure, breathing, and arousal in response to emotional circumstances.

19. Saprophytes are the organisms which depend for food on ____.

[A] Inorganic chemical compounds
[B] Living plants
[C] Living animals
[D] Dead and decaying material

[D] Dead and decaying material


Saprophytes are the organisms which depend for food on dead and decaying material. They secrete digestive substances into the surrounding environment and break down the organic matter into simpler substances. The nutrients thus produced are absorbed directly through the cell membranes of the organisms.

20. In females, the uterus is ____.

[A] Single
[B] Double
[C] Triple
[D] Quadruple

[A] Single


Females have single uterus, also known as womb. It is a major female hormone-responsive reproductive sex organ of humans and most other mammals. It is within the uterus that the fetus develops during gestation.

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