Fundamental Rights and Duties MCQ

Fundamental Rights and Duties MCQ

31. Which of the following statements is false?
  • (A) Fundamental Duties are given in Part IV of the Constitution
  • (B) After the 42nd constitutional amendment Fundamental Duties have been added to the Constitution of India.
  • (C) In 2002, after the 82nd Constitution Amendment Act, another Fundamental Duty was added.
  • (D) Public Representation Act, Built in1951.

(C) In 2002, after the 82nd Constitution Amendment Act, another Fundamental Duty was added.

Notes: In 2002, the 86th Constitutional Amendment Act inserted Article 21-A in the Constitution of India. 

32. Which of the following committee advocated the Fundamental Duties in the Indian constitution?
  • (A) Verma Committee
  • (B) Sarkaria Committee
  • (C) Balwantrai Mehta Committee
  • (D) Swaran Singh Committee

(D) Swaran Singh Committee

Notes: Swaran Singh Committee recommended the inclusion of fundamental duties in the Indian Constitution. It stressed that the citizens should become conscious that in addition to the enjoyment of rights, they also have certain duties to perform as well. 

33. Which of the following is not the Fundamental Duty?
  • (A) Safeguarding public property
  • (B) To obey the parents
  • (C) To make compulsory education to children of 6 to 14 years
  • (D) To spread brotherhood among the people

(B) To obey the parents

Notes: To obey the parents is not a Fundamental Duty of the citizens of India. 

34. Which Constitutional Amendment Act was passed to provide compulsory education to children between 6 and 14 years?
  • (A) 82nd
  • (B) 83rd
  • (C) 86th
  • (D) 84th

(C) 86th

Notes: 86th Constitutional Amendment Act in 2002 inserted Article 21-A in the Constitution of India to provide free and compulsory education of all children in the age group of six to fourteen years.

35. Which of the following is not matched correctly?
  • (A) Forest Conservation Act: 1980
  • (B) Wildlife Protection Act: 1974
  • (C) Public Representation Act: 1951
  • (D) Civil Duties Protection Act: 1955

(B) Wildlife Protection Act: 1974

Notes: Wildlife Protection Act was passed in 1972 to protect plants and animals. 

36. When was the ‘Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act’ passed?
  • (A) 1976
  • (B) 1972
  • (C) 1974
  • (D) 1971

(D) 1971

Notes: The Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act was passed in 1971. The Act prohibits the desecration of or insults to the country’s national symbols, including the national flag, national emblem, national anthem, the constitution, and map of India including contempt of the Indian constitution.

37. Which one of the following right of the Indian Constitution guarantees all the fundamental rights to every resident of country ?
  • A) Right against exploitation
  • B) Right to freedom
  • C) Right to equality
  • D) Right to constitutional remedies

C) Right to equality

Right to equality mentioned under Article 14-18 of the Indian Constitution.Article 15 relates to the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth.Article 16 guarantees equality of opportunity in matters of public employment.Article 17 abolishes untouchability. Hence Option C is Correct.Article 18 abolishes the title. Right to equality mentioned under Article 14-18 of the Indian Constitution.Article 15 relates to the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth.Article 16 guarantees equality of opportunity in matters of public employment.Article 17 abolishes untouchability.

38. Which one of the following is true with respect to Fundamental Rights of Indian Constitution ?
  • A) Sovereignty of the people
  • B) Equality of opportunity for all resident
  • C) Limited government
  • D) Democracy

B) Equality of opportunity for all resident

39. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar termed Article 32 of the Indian Constitution as the “Heart and Soul of the Indian Constitution”. Which one of the following fundamental right it contains ?
  • A) Right to freedom
  • B) Right to constitutional remedies
  • C) Right to elementary education
  • D) Right to freedom of religion

B) Right to constitutional remedies

Article 32 confers the right to remedies for the enforcement of the fundamental rights of an aggrieved citizen. In other words, the right to get the Fundamental Rights protected is in itself a fundamental right. This makes the fundamental rights real. That is why Dr. B.R. Ambedkar called Article 32 as the most important article of the Constitution—‘an Article without which this constitution would be a nullity. It is the very soul of the Constitution and the very heart of it’.

40. Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth is a fundamental right classifiable under
  • A) Right to freedom of religion
  • B) Right to equality
  • C) Right against expolitation
  • D) None of these

B) Right to equality

Notes:Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth is a fundamental right classifiable under right to equality. The Indian Constitution gives Article 14 embodying the idea of equality expressed in the preamble. It lays down the general principles of equality before the law and prohibits unreasonable discrimination between the persons. Article 15 relates to prohibition of discrimination on grounds of Religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.

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