Ancient Indian History GK

Ancient Indian History GK

11. Which of the following were known as wandering spies who wandered from place to place for collecting secret information in the Mauryan empire?

[A] Sanstha
[B] Sanchara
[C] Pulisani
[D] Nikayas

B [Sanchara]


The Arthashastra of Kautilya or Chanakya mentions about wandering spies also known as sanchara who wandered from place to place for collecting secret information in the Mauryan empire.

12. Which of the following introduced new features of Hellenistic art and literature such as Gandhara art in the north-west frontier of Indi?

[A] Indo-Greeks
[B] Indo-Scythian
[C] Indo-Partian
[D] Kushans

A [Indo-Greeks]


The Indo-Greeks introduced new features of Hellenistic art and literature such as Gandhara art in the north-west frontier of India. It was not purely Greek. It was the outcome of the intermingling and influence of both Indian and central Asian contacts.

13. According to Chinese texts which of the following were also called as Guishuang?

[A] Kushans
[B] Pallavas
[C] Satavahanas
[D] Mauryans

A [Kushans]


According to Chinese sources, the Kushanas were also called Guishuang. The Kushanas were one of five branches of the Yuezhi tribe that lived in Central Asia or along the Chinese border. The Kushanas eventually became more powerful than the other Yuezhi tribes. In the 1st century CE, Kujula Kadphises brought the five tribes together and founded the Kushan Empire. The Kushanas moved east towards India, defeating the Parthians and the Sakas. The Kushanas were also known as Tocharians.

14. Which of the following kings was the last ruler of the Kushana empire?

[A] Kadphises I
[B] Ashvagosha
[C] Vasudeva II
[D] Vima Kadphises

C [Vasudeva II]


Kushan dynasty was founded by Kujula Kadphises or Kadphises I in the first century CE. Kanishka was the most famous of the Kushan kings and Vasudeva II  was the last Kushan emperor who ruled from 275 CE–300 CE.

15. Which of the following Gupta kings issued gold coins called dinara?

[A] Srigupta
[B] Chandragupta I
[C] Samdudragupta
[D] Chandragupta II

D [Chandragupta II]


Chandragupta II was the first ruler to have issue silver coins. He also issued copper coins. He is referred to as Chandra on his coins. He also issued gold coins which were known as dinara.

16. “Gapata Sarah” refers to which of the following?

[A] Waste land
[B] Jungle or forest land
[C] Habitable land
[D] Pasture land

D [Pasture land]


The land during the Gupta period can be classified into the following groups: Kshetra: Cultivable land Khila: Waste land Aprahata: Jungle or forest land Vasti: Habitable land Gapata Sarah: Pasture land

17. Which of the following period marks the beginning of Indian temple architecture?

[A] Kushana period
[B] Gupta period
[C] Mauryan period
[D] Vedic period

B [Gupta period]


The Gupta period marks the beginning of temple architecture in India. For the first time, Temples in the form of concrete structures were constructed in northern India during this period.

18. Which of the following rulers ruled the Vakataka Nandivardhana branch after the death of Rudrasena II?

[A] Prabhavatigupta
[B] Pravarasena II
[C] Damodarasena
[D] Divakarasena

A [Prabhavatigupta]


Rudrasena II who was the son of Prithvisena I ruled only for a period of five years and died. He left behind three minor sons Divakarasena, Damodarasena, and Pravarasena. His wife Prabhavatigupta ruled as the regent until 410 CE.

19. Which of the following Kings assumed the title ‘Maharajadhiraja’ according to Asirgarh copper plate inscription?

[A] Sarvavarmana
[B] Ishanavarmana
[C] Grahavarmana
[D] Avanti Varmana

B [Ishanavarmana]


Ishanavarmana who is considered as the founder of Maukhari rule in India ruled around the mid 6th century in the Ganges River valley. According to the Asirgarh copper plate inscription, he assumed the title of ‘Maharajadhiraja’.

20. Which of the following authors wrote Alarnkarasarasamgraha?

[A] Anandavardhana
[B] Udbhat
[C] Ahinavagupta
[D] Rudrata

B [Udbhat]

Notes:The medieval period is considered as the golden age for Sanskrit poets. The mightest champion and representative of the Alarnkara school was Udbhat. He flourished in the second half of the eighth century AD. He was the author of Alarnkarasarasamgraha.

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