World History GK Questions

World History GK Questions

31. Which of the following agencies were created by the League of Nations?
  1. Permanent Court of International Justice
  2. International Labour Organisation

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2
[C] Both 1 and 2
[D] Neither 1 nor 2

C [Both 1 and 2]


League of Nations had three constitutional organs- the Assembly, the Council and the Secretariat. But, it proved to be totally ineffective in maintaining peace and taking any effective steps against the aggressor countries that led the world towards WWII. Also, there could no progress towards the reduction of armaments. But, the two agencies created by the League did useful work. These were the Permanent Court of International Justice (popularly known as the World Court) and the International Labour Organisation. Both these bodies were later incorporated into the UNO system. So, option ‘c’ is the correct answer.

32. Which of the following states emerged as an independent state in the aftermath of WWI:
  1. Latvia
  2. Poland
  3. Czechoslovakia
  4. Serbia

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

[A] Only 1
[B] Only 1 and 2
[C] Only 1, 2, and 3
[D] All of the above

C [Only 1, 2, and 3]


The end of the First World War, as already mentioned, was accompanied by the emergence of a number of European nations as independent states. These included Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Poland and Czechoslovakia by merging new territories with an already existing state. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland were created out of the territory annexed by Germany from Russia. Poland was created out of German and Russian territories. Czechoslovakia was carved out of Austria-Hungary. Serbia had already existed before the WWI. In fact, WWI started with the attack of Austria-Hungary on Serbia.

33. The term ‘D Day’ refers to which of the following events during the WWII?

[A] Pearl harbor attack by Japanese
[B] Nuclear attack on Hiroshima
[C] The opening of second front in Western Europe
[D] Surrender of Nazi Germany

C [The opening of second front in Western Europe]


Even though the Soviet Union- which was already directly fighting the Nazi Germany across Eastern Europe- had been demanding opening of a second front against the Nazi Germany in the Western Europe, allied powers did not agree to it for a few years. Eventually, in June 1944, the Allied troops opened the ‘Second Front’ in Western Europe. On 6th June 1944, known as the ‘D Day’, the first allied troops landed on the beaches of Normandy, on the north coast of France. By the end of June, the number of the Allied troops which had landed in France had gone up to 1600000. So, option c is the correct answer.

34. The ideas of the ‘Survival of the Fittest’ and ‘Natural Selection’ emerged from the writings of which of the following?

[A] Charles Darwin
[B] Charles Fourier
[C] Voltaire
[D] Emmanuel Kant

A [Charles Darwin]


In the 1850s, Charles Darwin, an English naturalist, presented a theory to explain organic evolution by natural selection. In a nutshell, his proposition implied that the species mutated randomly. Among these mutations, successful once survived and continued to live and reproduce. This idea was called the ‘Survival of the Fittest.’ According to Darwin, nature selects the successful variations which are allowed to propagate. This was term as a process of ‘natural selection.’ So, option ‘a’ is the correct answer.

35. Who was the most notable Greek poet in Florence?

[A] Manuel Chrysolores
[B] Irich
[C] Bracciolini
[D] Livy

A [Manuel Chrysolores]


Many Greek scholars who came from Constantinople spread the ancient Greek literature in Florence. The most notable among them was Manuel Chrysolores.

36. Who is the author of The Prince?

[A] Boccaccio
[B] Chaucer
[C] Dante
[D] Machiavelli

D [Machiavelli]


Chaucer wrote the Canterbury Tales in English. Boccaccio was the author of the Deccameron, a collection of fables. Machiavelli, who lived in Florence, wrote his eight- volume History of Florence. His most famous work was The Prince, a book on political science.

37. Which era denotes the beginning of Renaissance in England?

[A] Victorian Era
[B] Carolean Age
[C] Elizabethan Era
[D] Georgian Era

C [Elizabethan Era]


The Elizabethan era marked the beginning of the English Renaissance. It saw dramatists like William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and Charles Webster; poets like Edmund Spenser, Sydney and Ben Johnson.

38. Papal Bull was issued in which year?

[A] 1491
[B] 1492
[C] 1493
[D] 1494

C [1493]


In 1493, Pope Alexander VI issued a Bull in order to prevent any dispute between Spain and Portugal in exploring new sea routes and new lands. It is popularly called the Papal Bull (order of Pope).

39. In which year, the Boston Massacre took place?

[A] 1769
[B] 1770
[C] 1771
[D] 1772

B [1770]


On 5th March 1770, five Americans were killed by the British soldiers at Boston during the protest. It was known as the Boston Massacre. After this event, the Townshend laws were repealed.

40. Boston Tea Party held in:

[A] 1772
[B] 1773
[C] 1774
[D] 1775

B [1773]


In 1773, a new Tea Act was passed imposing a tax on import of tea. It was a symbol to show that the British Parliament had the right to tax the colonies. But Americans showed their protest. A group of Americans dressed as Red Indians, climbed on the ships and threw away the tea bundles into the sea at the Boston harbour. This event took place on 16th December 1773 and it was known as the Boston Tea Party. The offenders were punished. In 1774, the British Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts against the Americans in order to prevent such protests.

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