General Science Chemistry MCQ

General Science Chemistry MCQ

21. Which is the most abundant metal in the human body?

[A] Zinc
[B] Iron
[C] Magnesium
[D] Calcium

[D] Calcium


Calcium is the most abundant metal in the human body. It is also the 5th most abundant metal in the earth’s crust.

22. Which of these non-metals is liquid at room temperature?

[A] Helium
[B] Argon
[C] Bromine
[D] Sulphur

[C] Bromine


Among all the non-metals, Bromine exists in the liquid state at room temperature. All the other non-metals are either solids or gases in nature.

23. Which of these non-metals are present in Gun powder?

[A] Sulphur
[B] Carbon
[C] Nitrogen
[D] All of the above

[D] All of the above


Carbon, Nitrogen and Sulphur are the non-metals present in the Gun powder. It is a mixture of potassium nitrate, sulphur and charcoal.

24. Which of the following gases readily combines with the haemoglobin of the blood?

[A] Carbon monoxide
[B] Methane
[C] Oxygen
[D] Nitrogen dioxide

[A] Carbon monoxide


Haemoglobin by combining with carbon monoxide lead to the death of the individual due to suffocation. The capillaries of circulatory system deliver the oxygen rich blood to the tissues of the body. This oxygen diffuses across the walls of the capillaries into tissues.

25. Which metal is responsible for Itai-Itai disease?

[A] Mercury
[B] Chromium
[C] Cadmium
[D] Nickel

[C] Cadmium


Cadmium poisoning can also cause softening of the bones and kidney failure. The cadmium was released into rivers by mining companies in the mountains, which were successfully sued for the damage. Itai-itai disease is known as one of the 4 Big Pollution Diseases of Japan.

26. Which among the following is not an example of emulsion?

[A] Butter
[B] Chocolate-Milk
[C] Curd
[D] Whipped Cream

[C] Curd


An emulsion is a mixture of two or more liquids that are normally immiscible. Emulsions are part of a more general class of two-phase systems of matter called colloids.

27. Who discovered Sodium?

[A] William Henry Fox
[B] Humphry Davy
[C] J.J. Thomson
[D] Karl Benz

[B] Humphry Davy


Sodium was first isolated in 1807 by Sir Humphry Davy, who made it by the electrolysis of very dry molten sodium hydroxide, NaOH. Sodium collected at the cathode.

28. Which of the following is the major ingredient of leather?

[A] Collagen
[B] Polymer
[C] Carbohydrate
[D] Nucleic acid

[A] Collagen


The major ingredient of leather is Collagen. Collagen is one of the most plentiful proteins in mammals. It is responsible for several biological functions, one of which is to provide structural support in connective tissue, muscle, and skin. Collagen is the protein responsible for skin elasticity. It also plays a role in joint and bone health.

29. Who invented Bakelite, which is one of the first commercially successful plastics of the world?

[A] Leo Baekeland
[B] Otto Bayer
[C] Arthur W. Carpenter
[D] Jean-Baptiste Donnet

[A] Leo Baekeland


Leo Hendrik Baekeland (1863 – 1944) was a Belgian chemist, best known for the inventions of Velox photographic paper in 1893 and Bakelite in 1907. He has been called “The Father of the Plastics Industry” for his invention of Bakelite.

30. Who gave the atomic structure model in which electrons revolve around nucleus in orbits with definite amount of energy?

[A] Rutherford
[B] Neils Bohr
[C] Millikan
[D] Goldstein

[B] Neils Bohr


Electrons revolve around the nucleus in specified circular paths called orbits or shells. Each orbit or shell is associated with a definite amount of energy. Hence these are also called energy levels and are designated K, L, M and N, respectively. The energy associated with a certain energy level increases with the increase of its distance from the nucleus. Hence if the energy associated with the K, L, M and N shells are E1, E2, E3……… respectively, then E1 < E2 < E3 ………. etc. As long as the electron revolves in a particular orbit, the electron does not lose its energy. Therefore, these orbits are called stationary orbits and the electrons are said to be in stationary energy states. An electron jumps from a lower energy level to a higher energy level, by absorbing energy, but when it jumps from a higher to lower energy level, the energy is emitted in the form of electromagnetic radiation. The energy emitted or absorbed (ΔE) is an integral multiple of “hν.”

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