Fundamental Rights and Duties MCQ

Fundamental Rights and Duties MCQ:  Aspirants of UPSC, IAS, SSC, IES and other competitive exams can take a quiz based on Fundamental Rights and Duties to test their knowledge.

1. The concept of Fundamental Rights in India is taken from the Constitution of which nation?
(B) Britain
(C) France
(D) Germany



India’s Fundamental Rights were inspired by the US Bill of Rights, guaranteeing basic freedoms like those in the USA.

2. Fundamental Rights are defined in which part of the Indian Constitution?
  • (A) Part I
  • (B) Part II
  • (C) Part III
  • (D) Part IV

(C) Part III

Notes: Part III is specifically titled “Fundamental Rights” and contains Articles 12 to 35, which define and elaborate on the six fundamental rights of Indian citizens.

3. How many Fundamental Rights are there in the Indian Constitution?
  •    A) 6
  •    B) 7
  •    C) 8
  •    D) 9

B) 7

Notes: The Indian Constitution originally had six Fundamental Rights, but after the 44th Amendment Act of 1978, it increased to seven with the addition of the Right to Education as a Fundamental Right.

4. Right to property is a …………. Right?
  • A) Legal
  •  B) Social
  •  C) Economic
  •  D) Human

A) Legal

Notes: The Right to Property, before being removed from the list of Fundamental Rights by the 44th Amendment, was considered a Legal Right, ensuring individuals’ legal ownership and control over their property.

5. The Right to property has been eliminated from the list of Fundamental Rights by which Amendment Act?
  • A) 42nd Amendment Act
  •   B) 43rd Amendment Act
  •   C) 44th Amendment Act
  •   D) 45th Amendment Act

  C) 44th Amendment Act

Notes: The Right to Property was removed as a Fundamental Right by the 44th Amendment Act, 1978, and was subsequently redefined as a legal right under Article 300A.

6. Which authority can impose reasonable restrictions on the rights of Indian citizens?
  • A) President
  •   B) Parliament
  •   C) Judiciary
  •   D) State Legislature

  C) Judiciary

Notes: While Fundamental Rights are essential, they are not absolute. The Judiciary can impose reasonable restrictions on these rights to maintain public order, security, and morality.

7. Which article of the constitution abolishes untouchability?
  • A) Article 15
  • B) Article 16
  • C) Article 17
  • D) Article 18

C) Article 17

Notes: Article 17 of the Indian Constitution abolishes untouchability in any form and prohibits its practice.

8. Which article of the Constitution provides equality of opportunities in matters of public employment?
  • A) Article 15
  •   B) Article 16
  •   C) Article 17
  •   D) Article 18

  B) Article 16

Notes: Article 16 ensures equality of opportunity in matters of public employment and prohibits discrimination based on religion, race, caste, sex, descent, place of birth, or residence.

9. By which Constitutional Amendment Act, a new Article 21A was inserted in the Constitution?
  • A) 86th Amendment Act
  •   B) 87th Amendment Act
  •   C) 88th Amendment Act
  •   D) 89th Amendment Act

A) 86th Amendment Act

Notes: The 86th Amendment Act inserted Article 21A, which guarantees the Right to Education as a Fundamental Right for children aged 6 to 14 years.

10. Which Fundamental Right is guaranteed only to the citizens and not to the foreigners?
  • A) Right to Equality
  • B) Right to Freedom
  • C) Right against Exploitation
  • D) Right to Constitutional Remedies

B) Right to Freedom

Notes: The Right to Freedom, including freedom of speech, assembly, and movement, is guaranteed only to Indian citizens.

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