Top 50 ISRO GK Questions for Competitive Exams: Practice Now

ISRO GK Questions in English

41. Which ISRO mission was a joint collaboration with France?
C) Megha-Tropiques

C) Megha-Tropiques

Explanation: The joint collaboration between ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) and France was for the Megha-Tropiques satellite. Megha-Tropiques was launched in 2011 to study the Earth’s atmosphere and climate, with a particular focus on the water cycle and cloud formation. It was a significant scientific mission that involved the expertise of both Indian and French scientists and engineers.

42. When was the first successful cryogenic engine test by ISRO?
A) 1991
B) 2000
C) 2003
D) 2014

C) 2003

Explanation: ISRO’s first successful cryogenic engine test took place on December 25, 2003. This was a significant milestone for the Indian space program, as cryogenic engines are essential for launching heavy-lift satellites into higher orbits. The successful test paved the way for India’s development of the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV), a crucial launch vehicle for communication and navigation satellites.

43. Which mission was India’s first dedicated multi-wavelength space observatory?
D) GSAT-12


Explanation: ASTROSAT, launched on September 28, 2015, was India’s first dedicated multi-wavelength space observatory. It enables the simultaneous observation of the universe in multiple wavelengths, such as X-ray, ultraviolet, and optical, contributing to a deeper understanding of celestial phenomena.

44. Which ISRO centre is responsible for launch operations?
A) Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC)
B) Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC)
C) U R Rao Satellite Centre (URSC)
D) Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC)

B) Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC)

Explanation: The Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, located at Sriharikota, is ISRO’s primary spaceport, where launch operations are conducted. It is responsible for launching satellites into space, using various launch vehicles like PSLV and GSLV.

45. What does the Antrix Corporation do?
A) Space Research
B) Satellite Design
C) Space Marketing
D) Rocket Manufacturing

C) Space Marketing

Explanation: Antrix Corporation is the commercial arm of ISRO. It was established to promote and commercially exploit space products, technical consultancy services, and transfer of technologies developed by ISRO. Antrix is responsible for marketing and selling satellite transponders and launch services to clients worldwide.

46. When was the first flight of the SLV (Satellite Launch Vehicle)?
A) 1979
B) 1980
C) 1981
D) 1982

A) 1979

Explanation: The first flight of the SLV (Satellite Launch Vehicle) took place on August 10, 1979. However, it was unsuccessful in its mission to place the satellite into orbit. The first successful launch occurred on July 18, 1980, when it placed the Rohini satellite into orbit.

47. Which ISRO satellite provided high-resolution images for mapping?
A) GSAT-30


Explanation: CARTOSAT-2 is a series of earth observation satellites launched by ISRO, known for providing high-resolution images. These satellites are primarily used for cartographic applications, urban and rural planning, and infrastructure development.

48. What does ISRO’s ANUSAT stand for?
A) Advanced National Utility Satellite
B) Anna University Satellite
C) Automated Navigation and Utility Satellite
D) Advanced Navigation Utility System

B) Anna University Satellite

Explanation: ANUSAT stands for Anna University Satellite. It was an experimental microsatellite developed by Anna University, launched by ISRO on April 20, 2009. It was India’s first satellite designed, developed, and integrated by an Indian university.

49. What was the primary purpose of the GSAT-6A satellite?
A) Navigation
B) Educational Broadcast
C) Communication
D) Weather Monitoring

C) Communication

Explanation: GSAT-6A, launched on March 29, 2018, was primarily intended for communication purposes. It was designed to improve mobile communication through multi-beam coverage, especially in remote and inaccessible areas of India.

50. Which ISRO mission aims to explore Venus?
B) Shukrayaan-1
C) Chandrayaan-3
D) Aditya-L1

B) Shukrayaan-1

Explanation: Shukrayaan-1 is ISRO’s planned mission to explore Venus. The mission aims to study the planet’s surface and atmosphere, as well as understand its evolution and possibly the conditions for life. It is expected to launch in the near future as part of ISRO’s ambitious interplanetary exploration program.

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