Indian Polity and Constitution MCQ

Indian Polity and Constitution MCQ

11. which among the following established the Planning commission in 1950 as an extra constitutional body through a resoltion?

[A] Prime Minister
[B] Parliament
[C] Lok Sabha
[D] Cabinet

D [Cabinet]


The Planning Commission was an institution in the Government of India, which was responsible to formulate India’s Five-Year Plans. It was established on 15 March 1950, with Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru as the Chairman.

12. Who among the following is called the “guardian of the public purse” of India?

[A] Comptroller & Auditor General
[B] Finance Minister
[C] Chairman of Public Accounts Committee
[D] Prime Minister

A [Comptroller & Auditor General]


Article 148 of the Constitution of India provides for an independent office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG). He is the head of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department and also the guardian of public purse.

13. As per which among the following articles, President of India has power to grant pardons, reprieves, respites or remissions of punishment or to suspend, remit or commute the sentence of any person convicted of any offence?

[A] Article 70
[B] Article 72
[C] Article 74
[D] Article 76

B [Article 72]


According to Article 72 of the Constitution the President of India has power to grant pardons, reprieves, respites or remissions of punishment or to suspend, remit or commute the sentence of any person convicted of any offence.

14. What is the maximum number of votes which can be cast in Electronic Voting Machine?

[A] 2840
[B] 3840
[C] 5000
[D] 6500

B [3840]


EVMs can record a maximum of 3840 votes. As normally the total number of electors in a polling station will not exceed 1500, the capacity of EVMs is more than sufficient.

15. Article 123 of the Indian Constitution provides for:

[A] The Ordinance Making power of the President
[B] Advisory Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
[C] Special Status of Jammu and Kashmir
[D] An Election Commission to hold free and fair elections in the country.

A [The Ordinance Making power of the President]


Article 123 of the Indian Constitution provides for the Ordinance making power of the President only when the Indian parliament is not in session.

16. Which among the following is a type of functional local bodies established as autonomous bodies via legislations by the state legislatures?

[A] Town Area Committee
[B] Cantonment Board
[C] Urban Development Authority
[D] Notified Areas Committee

C [Urban Development Authority]


The Municipal Corporations, Municipalities, Notified Area Committees, Town Area Committees, Cantonment Boards, Townships and Port Trusts are called Area Based Urban bodies. Apart from that there are some functional local bodies which are established as autonomous bodies via legislations by the state legislatures. These include the Town Improvement Trusts, Urban Development Authorities, Water Supply and Sewerage Boards, City Transport Boards, Housing Boards, pollution Control Boards, Electricity supply Boards etc. They work autonomously and are not subordinate to the area based bodies.

17. Which among the following is a correct statement with respect to the Representation of People’s act, 1951?
  • [A] Every contesting candidate shall lodge account of his election expenses with the returning officer
    [B] A candidate must report these expenses 30 days before the declaration of the results
  • [C] The details of the expenses are available to the general public for a small fee
  • [D] The candidate must include personal expenses incurred during the campaign in the disclosure

C [The details of the expenses are available to the general public for a small fee]


Representation of Peoples Act 1951 was enacted by provincial parliament which provides for actual conduct of elections in India.It also includes, the criteria for qualification, disqualification of member of parliament etc.

18. The power to declare an area as “Scheduled Area” lies with the:

[A] Ministry of Tribal Affairs
[B] Legislative Assembly of a state
[C] Parliament
[D] President

D [President]


The power to declare an area as “Scheduled Area” lies with President of India.

19. Which of the following rights is a political right ?

[A] Right to Live
[B] Right to Education
[C] Right to Vote
[D] Right to Freedom of Expression

C [ Right to Vote ]


The rights that involve participation in the establishment or administration of a government and are usually held to entitle the adult citizen to exercise of the franchise, the holding of public office, and other political activities. Example, right to vote.

20. The Presidential Government operates on the principle of which of the following?

[A] Balance of Powers
[B] Separation of Powers
[C] Centralization of Powers
[D] Division of Powers between Centre and States

[B] Separation of Powers


A presidential system is a democratic and republican system of government where a head of government leads an executive branch that is separate from the legislative branch. This head of government is in most cases also the head of state, which is called president.

Read Also: Indian Polity MCQ

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