Top 61 Chandrayaan 3 GK Questions and Answers

Test your knowledge with our comprehensive list of Top Chandrayaan 3 GK questions and answers. Perfect for students and space enthusiasts!

1. Chandrayaan-3 has been launched from which of the following centres?
A) Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre
B) Satish Dhawan Space Centre
D) Dr. Abdul Kalam Island

B) Satish Dhawan Space Centre

Explanation: Chandrayaan-3 was launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre located in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. This is the primary spaceport of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and has been the launch site for most of India’s space missions.

2. Which launching vehicle is used in the launch of Chandrayaan-3?


Explanation: Chandrayaan-3 was launched using the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III (GSLV Mk III). This vehicle is specifically designed for heavier payloads and is used for launching satellites into geostationary and other orbits.

3. What is the mass of the propulsion module used in Chandrayaan-3?
A) 2145 kg
B) 2245 kg
C) 2148 kg
D) 2543 kg

C) 2148 kg

Explanation: The propulsion module used in Chandrayaan-3 has a mass of 2148 kilograms.

4. The mission life of the Lander and Rover of Chandrayaan-3 equals to:
A) 24 Earth days
B) 16 Earth days
C) 14 Earth days
D) 20 Earth days

C) 14 Earth days

Explanation: The mission life of the Lander (Vikram) and the Rover (Pragyaan) is designed to be 14 Earth days, which corresponds to one lunar day. This period allows the instruments to operate during the lunar daytime when there is sunlight.

5. The Chandrayaan-3 mission’s Lander is known as:
A) Vikram
B) Bheem
C) Pragyaan
D) Dhruv

A) Vikram

Explanation: The lander used in Chandrayaan-3 is named “Vikram,” after Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, who is regarded as the father of the Indian space program.

6. Which part of the Moon is Chandrayaan-3 aiming to land near?
A) North Pole
B) Equator
C) South Pole
D) Far Side

C) South Pole

Explanation: Chandrayaan-3 is aiming to land near the Moon’s South Pole. This region is of significant interest because it is believed to contain water ice in permanently shadowed craters.

7. When was Chandrayaan-3 launched?
A) 14th August
B) 14th July
C) 30th June
D) 10th September

B) 14th July

Explanation: Chandrayaan-3 was launched on 14th July 2023. This date marks the beginning of the mission’s journey to the Moon.

8. What is the unique feature of Chandrayaan-3’s landing in comparison to other nation’s lunar missions?
A) landing on the dark side of the moon
B) landing on the Moon’s far side
C) landing on Moon’s North pole
D) landing on Moon’s South pole

D) landing on Moon’s South pole

Explanation: Chandrayaan-3’s unique feature is its targeted landing near the Moon’s South Pole, an area where no other nation has successfully landed a spacecraft.

9. On which date was the lander successfully separated from the Propulsion Module?
A) 20th August
B) 19th August
C) 16th August
D) 17th August

D) 17th August

Explanation: The lander of Chandrayaan-3 was successfully separated from the Propulsion Module on 17th August 2023. This was a crucial step in preparing for the subsequent soft landing on the Moon.

10. When did the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft perform the second de-boosting maneuver?
A) 20th August
B) 19th August
C) 17th August
D) 16th August

A) 20th August

Explanation: The second de-boosting maneuver, which further reduced the spacecraft’s orbit and prepared it for landing, was performed on 20th August 2023.

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