Ancient Indian History GK

Ancient Indian History GK Questions

31. Which of the following kings assumed the title of Kongarkoman?

[A] Maravarman Arikesari Parankusan
[B] Maravarman Rajasimha I
[C] Koccadiyan Ranadhira
[D] Srimar Srivallabha

C [Koccadiyan Ranadhira]


Koccadiyan Ranadhira who ruled from 700 A.D. to  730 A.D. reduced an Ay chief at Mardur “a hill country between Tinnevelly and Travancore.” He also conquered the Kongu country and assumed the title of Kongarkoman.

32. A lot of beads were discovered from Mohenjo-Daro in Indus Valley Civilization. Most of these beads were made of __?

[A] Terracota
[B] Jasper
[C] Lapis
[D] Steatite

D [Steatite]


The beautiful beads are one of the important discoveries of Mohenjodaro. Majority of the beads are made of fired steatite. Other materials in making beads include Agate, Carnelian, Lapis Lazuli, grossular garnet, serpentine and amazonite.

33. Which among these modern States did the Alwar saints originate from?

[A] Maharashtra
[B] Tamil Nadu
[C] Kerala
[D] Karnataka

B [Tamil Nadu]


In South India, the Bhakti movement originated in Tamil Nadu sometime after the 7th century AD with the Alwars (Vaishnava saints) and the Adiyars (Shaiva saints). With their songs of longing,they worshipped Hindu god of Vishnu. The collection of their hymns are known as Divya Prabandha. All the saints were male except one named Andal.

34. Which of the following was a ruler from Kushana dynasty?

[A] Vikramaditya
[B] Pushyamitra
[C] Danti Durga
[D] Khadphises I

D [Khadphises I]


Kujula Kadphises (also known as Kadphises I) is believed to be the founder of Kushana dynasty in India in 78 A.D. According to the Rabatak inscription, he was the grandfather of the great Kushan king Kanishka. He followed Greek religious ideas and iconography after the Greco-Bactrian tradition, and also followed traditions of Hinduism, being a devotee of the Hindu God Shiva. He is famous for his military, political, and spiritual achievements.

35. Which part of Veda deals with all the rituals?

[A] Rigveda
[B] Yajurveda
[C] Samaveda
[D] Atharvaveda

B [Yajurveda]


Yajur Veda is a step-by-step guide about the right way of performing religious ceremonies and sacred rituals. Derived from “yajus” meaning “prose mantra” and veda meaning “knowledge”), the Yajur veda is the Veda of prose mantras. An ancient Vedic Sanskrit text, it is a compilation of ritual offering formulas that were said by a priest at the time of ritual actions.

36. Who was the founder of the Satvahana Empire?

[A] Kanha
[B] Gautamiputra
[C] Simuka
[D] Hala

C [Simuka]


Simuka was the founder of the Satavahana Dynasty. He is mentioned as the first king in a list of royals in a Satavahana inscription at Nanaghat. He is believed to have destroyed the Shunga Power in the Deccan with the aid of the Rathikas and Bhojakas. He reigned for around 23 years and was beheaded by his brother Kanha, who succeeded him.

37. In which language were the Buddhist literary works mostly written?

[A] Sanskrit
[B] Prakrit
[C] Pali
[D] Brahmi

C [Pali]


Pali is use as a Buddhist canonical language came about because the Buddha opposed the use of Sanskrit, a learned language, as a vehicle for his teachings and encouraged his followers to use vernacular dialects. The word ‘Pali’ primarily signifies ‘Text’ or ‘sacred texts’ or the text of the Buddhist canon as opposed to the connentaries, but gradually it became the name of the language in which the canon (Tripitika) of the Theravada Buddhism and the ancillary texts were written.

38. Who wrote the Tamil epic Silappadikaram’?

[A] Ilango Adigal
[B] Thiruvalluar
[C] Avvaiyar
[D] Sattanar

A [Ilango Adigal]


Ascetic-prince Ilango Adigal, the younger brother of reputed warrior-king Sengutt-uvan of the Chera dynasty is credited with Silappadikaram, one of Five Great Tamil Epics. Silappadikaram revolves around Kannagi, who having lost her husband to a miscarriage of justice at the court of the Pandyan Dynasty, wreaks her revenge on his kingdom.

39. Which Buddhist scripture has mentions on the 16 Mahajanapadas?

[A] Vinaya Pitaka
[B] Sutta Pitaka
[C] Anguttara Nikaya
[D] Digha Nikaya

C [Anguttara Nikaya]


In the post-Vedic period, the entire northern territory mostly situated north of the Vindhyas and extending from the North-West frontier to Bihar was divided into sixteen states called Sodasha Maha-janapadas. The Buddhist literature, particularly the Anguttara Nikaya lists the sixteen mahajanapadas given as – Gandhara, Kamboja, Assaka, Vatsa, Avanti, Surasena, Chedi, Malla, Kuru, Panchala, Matsya, Vajji, Anga, Kosala and Magadha.

40. Where was the Homo erectus skull found in the Narmada valley?

[A] Bikor
[B] Panwasa
[C] Hathnora
[D] Dhansi

C [Hathnora]


A Homo erectus skull was discovered at the site of Hathnora in the Narmada valley. This evidence dates back to early-mid Pleistocene epoch and suggests Homo erectus inhabited parts of central India during that time period.

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